The Unforgettable Words a Millionaire Said That Changed My Life

This is the key to living life on your terms.

Christopher D. Connors
Mind Cafe


“Crunch!” I can still remember the sound as I bit into that tasty cream cheese bagel.

I sat down for breakfast several years ago with a man I knew very little about. I took the appointment because a friend told me he was a successful businessman and a wealthy benefactor. I knew that he sat on the board of directors at the school where my friend works. That’s it.

I took the meeting anyway. I didn’t know exactly why. I had no idea what I was getting into.

I was searching for career answers. What I found was the most beneficial information I’ve ever received from a networking conversation. I’m here now to tell you that story.

Conversations With a Millionaire

We met at Goldberg’s Bagel Company and Deli, a place that purports itself to be an “Authentic New York Deli.” In the heart of Atlanta.

Sigh. (I am a native New Yorker, after all!)

He walked in and I shook his hand. He smiled and introduced himself. I could tell right away I was chatting and dining with a very confident, self-assured man. Little did I know, he was already retired for 13 years. He looked young.

