The Way Keanu Reeves Responds to His Enemies Is A Beautiful Thing

We can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we respond. And Keanu Reeves knows it

Andy Murphy
Mind Cafe


Image credit Carlos Osorio / reuters

The world doesn’t need more macho men with bulging biceps who call each other bros.

The world doesn't need any more male chauvinistic know-it-alls that can’t take criticism because they think they’re right the whole damn time either.

What the world needs (as far as I can see) is more openness, vulnerability, and kindness, and Keanu Reeves thinks so too.

That’s why he said:

“I don’t want to be part of a world where being kind is a weakness.”

However, that takes courage and patience, especially in the face of adversity and/or conflict. But once those qualities and values are given utmost importance, a deeper connection can be experienced.

Having said all that, nothing tests our patience quite as much as someone who pushes our buttons. But with insight, our enemies can become our greatest teachers.

That’s why Keanu Reeves said:

“Sometimes enemies are our best teachers, people can learn from their mistakes; destruction…

