This 36-Year-Old George Carlin Sketch Shows Our Relationship with “Stuff” Hasn’t Changed in Nearly 4 Decades

Might be time to change it up

Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe


Image credit: Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons license

You know you’ve got a good comedian on your hands when a nearly 4-decade-old sketch rings as true today as it did then.

And you know you have an insidious, generation-spanning problem when something 4 decades old rings as true today as it did then.

Enter George Carlin, one of the best comedians to ever walk this planet, and his 1986 sketch on stuff. It was so good to watch — and had me LOLing for days — that I had to share the best of ol’ George’s words of wisdom.

Because Carlin’s words are for life, folks.

“That’s the whole meaning of life isn’t it, trying to find a place for your stuff”

I mean, it’s what we do, isn’t it? We work the hours to buy the stuff. We buy storage disguised as entertainment units, credenzas, side tables, bedside units, closets, and dressers — sometimes at vast expense — to store all the stuff.

Then we spend a good portion of every day finding places for stuff. Putting stuff away. Tidying, cleaning, throwing out old stuff.



Charlie Brown
Mind Cafe

Writer of opinions. Wine & food pro. Editor of Rooted, a boostable Medium food & drink pub. Niche-avoidant. Also at