This Is Why You’re in a Creative Slump (And What to Do About It)

How to get unstuck and back to work.

Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe


Photo by Erik Dungan on Unsplash

All creators go through creative slumps — periods when even though we want to work, we can’t.

I’ve been “blocked” for about two weeks now, and I couldn’t figure out why. Like everyone else, I blamed anything I could point a finger at, such as boredom, lack of breaks, and so on.

Everything except the real reason. In the end, I blamed laziness. I wasn’t putting in the same amount of work as usual and only writing when I felt like it. (As a creator, you know how bad that is.)

Here’s the thing about laziness: there’s always a deeper reason as to why you’re lazy.

Psychology Today wrote, “If we take a moment to examine what’s behind the procrastination and avoidance, we find a range of more complicated issues.” They list reasons such as the fear of failure, success, depression, and so on.

My own reason for laziness was a slap in the face.

The Real Reason Why You’re in a Creative Slump

I was avoiding work, but not because I was tired. I was dodging it because I didn’t want to face the truth: I don’t think I’m good enough.



Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.