This Single Habit Took My Discipline to the Next Level

It’s way easier than waking up at 4 am.

Chris Wojcik
Mind Cafe


Photo by Austin Henckel on Unsplash

Discipline has been the victim of some horrible branding over the years.

I mean, one motivational guru I used to follow online built his entire brand on the discipline that he has to wake up at 4 am, every single day. You’ve probably heard of him.

But here’s the elephant in the room: why would anyone in their right ever want to wake up at 4 am every day? There has to be an easier way to become disciplined.

I don’t know about you, but I actually want to enjoy my life a little bit. I mean, we’ve only got 100 or so years on this planet (if we’re lucky), and I don’t really want to spend all of them being a slave to my own work ethic. Discipline does equal freedom, but only if you are in control of your own mind.

Discipline is about self-control, not controlling yourself.

That’s the conundrum of discipline. We all want more freedom, we all need more discipline, and there’s no practical road map that shows people how to actually build discipline in a way that is realistic for their life.

In the last 6 months, there’s been one habit that has helped me take greater control over my mind than I ever have before, and it’s pretty simple:

