Three Lessons I Learned As A Teenager Who Hated School

From gym class to 7am starts, high school taught me hard lessons about life.

Brian Kang
Mind Cafe


When I was a teenager in high school, there was nothing I hated more than waking up at 7 AM.

If I had a gun with two bullets, and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and the rule that NVOT starts at 7:40, I would shoot the rule twice.

Psychologists and health experts are in the same boat. Research shows that starting school so early is archaic and detrimental to kids’ health. In 5–10 years, you’ll begin to see a lot more schools changing their bell schedules.

But every so often, something bizarre would happen on those cold mornings.

Despite all that hatred, despite the genuine disdain I had towards waking up, I found myself springing out of bed when the day began with Gym class (think Soccer, Badminton, Football).

What the hell?

It wasn’t something I could control either. My eyes would pop open, my body would feel light, and I would just feel.. excited. On 1st period Gym days, I don’t think I could’ve come late to school even if I wanted to (like I did about 20 times the rest of the year).



Brian Kang
Mind Cafe

Doubt less, do more, and laugh when you fail | Teaching Mindfulness to improve ourselves, our work, and our relationships | Los Angeles, CA