Three Really Old Books That Will Change Your Life

What you do depends on what you see. Change your perspective, and you change your life.

Linda Caroll
Mind Cafe


Photo by Daria Obymaha from Pexels

Know what the best-selling self-help books on Amazon are right now? A Hollywood celebrity, an internet celebrity, two books on stoicism, a book by an alt-right anti-feminist, a book on crystal healing and Dale Carnegie, who seems to be perpetually there. Plus, a bunch more not unlike those.

Self help books are a bit like fashion. There’s trends and fads.

Ideas, thoughts and concepts become popular for a while, and then slowly fade away, as if they’re moving over for the next wave of self help ideas and authors in an endless parade of how broken we are.

Mostly, they leave you unchanged, even if they were a good read. You buy them, read, raise your eyebrows at a few tidbits you didn’t know, but for the most part, life continues on as before. Same old, same old.

Also like fashion, some books stand the test of time. The classics.

Books that were first published when there was no internet and Jeff Bezos was still in diapers. Astonishingly, some of those books are getting 5-star reviews. Today.

