To Accomplish Your Goals, Do Something Insignificant Right Now

How Doing One Push-Up Can Make All the Difference.

Michael Touchton
Mind Cafe


Photo by Inimafoto on Pexels

Accomplishing a goal is no easy thing, and our attempts often look like this:

Step 1: We begin with a desire to change or accomplish something.

Step 2: We think about it, research it, think about it some more, and maybe invest in something that we believe will help us get there (gym membership, anyone?).

Step 3: If we’re lucky, we make a detailed plan.

Step 4: If we’re really lucky, we take action.

Even for those who get to step 4 and take action on their plan, many will not accomplish their goal, some will only arrive long after they planned to, and others will accomplish their goal only to regress and return any gains made.

Accomplishing a goal is not an easy thing.

Where The Path Goes Wrong

In those first few moments, we’ve taken our immediate desire and translated it into a long-term plan of future actions. In a sense, this is justified. Many goals are only truly accomplished over a long period of time. We don't lose weight, gain muscle, read 100 books, get a promotion, or heal a disease overnight.

