To Improve Your Efficiency, Stop Doing Low-Value Work at Peak Productivity Times

Efficiency is about knowing which tasks add value

Thomas Oppong
Mind Cafe


Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova from Pexels

Real progress is made by people who do the right work at the right time.

“Don’t let the urgent crowd out the important.” Henry Gindt said. There will always be more urgent tasks to do than important ones.

Many people focus on getting almost everything done at the wrong time and end up making little or no progress.

When you are efficient, you know when to leverage your time and energy to get your most important tasks done. You can get the desired outcome at the right time when you are most productive.

Efficient people choose their tasks carefully. Think about it: if you spend less time on tasks that do not move the needle, you effectively make more time for high-value work.

When you take control of your schedule, you become mindful of how you spend or invest your time. You do more of what makes you productive at the right time — when you are most active and energetic.

You can quickly get from A to B every day if you learn to prioritise and tackle your most tasks at peak times. The mind and body work in energy peaks.



Thomas Oppong
Mind Cafe

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