To Truly Succeed, Stop Hustling and Start Questioning Yourself Like Tim Ferriss

How knowing yourself is the key to moving forward.

Michael Touchton
Mind Cafe


Photo by Andrew (Drew) Kelly

Before he was sentenced to death, the philosopher Socrates uttered the now-famous line, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” That’s ancient-speak for… “If you live on autopilot like a zombie, you’ll waste your life.”

Here’s the deal: lots of us are chasing success like zombies — totally unaware that what we’re hustling to find might not actually be success.

But there’s something we can do about it.

Success is about the accomplishment of a purpose.

You can’t find your success if you’re pursuing someone else’s purpose. But often, that’s exactly what we’re doing: chasing some goal that’s really just another version of the same generalized dream of becoming famous, rich, or powerful.

If you want to find the success that will fulfill you, you’ve got to find your purpose — which starts with getting to know yourself.

That sounds silly, I know. But it’s really important. And by overlooking it, we risk wasting a lot of time.

Question Yourself

