Today, You Live More Lavishly than Yesterday’s Kings

9 major reasons why you’re better off today than kings from history.

Cynical Xennial
Mind Cafe


Photo by R. Fera from Pexels

Whether you realize it or not, you are better off today than past kings. Don’t believe me, as you skeptically read this with your high-speed internet, drinking your latte? Let’s settle the matter by comparing your life to one of history’s most infamous monarchs, King Henry VIII of England.

King Henry VIII ruled in the early to mid 16th century. He was one of the richest people in the world and immensely powerful — powerful enough to break from Rome and start his own church, and behead or set aside several wives with no recourse.

In all, he sent over 70,000 men and women to their deaths. Yet you, a mere commoner, enjoy a far richer life.



In the 16th century, roads were poorly maintained dirt tracks which made for exceptionally painful and muddy travelling. It took an excruciatingly long time to cover ground. If one travelled all day, they might make it a distance of 30 miles (50km).

Travel was typically achieved using a horse with no protection from the elements. Carriages did not become popular until the mid to late 16th-century, and even then, they were not equipped with any…



Cynical Xennial
Mind Cafe

Avoracious reader and sometimes writer, that adamantly believes the planet Earth is overpopulated.