Trusting Your First Instinct in a Relationship is Vital

The truth is always there, you just have to be brave enough to listen.

Annie Vladev
Mind Cafe


Most of us can remember a time we’ve nursed a friend through a break-up, only to hear the words, ‘I always knew it was wrong’, ‘Why didn’t I listen to my doubts earlier?’

Those of us who have experienced this know it can be an arduous road to self-forgiveness. What follows is hours of questioning, switching between blaming ourselves and others, and vowing to never make the same mistake again.

The problem is, we do.

Even though we find it easy to look back and see the warning signs with hindsight — we often return down this familiar path. We think this time must be different, only to end up repeating the inquisition cycle, wondering how we keep getting it wrong.

The only way out is to listen to your instinct.

In the early stages, you’re viewing this person’s behaviour through an unbiased lens. You see them as they truly are. This is the time to make note of any niggling concerns, the doubts, and commit to sounding them out.

The reason it’s so crucial? As time passes together, we genuinely become blind to these flaws.



Annie Vladev
Mind Cafe

Empowering you to build stronger relationships with yourself and others by sharing insights into how we think and behave.