Unlocking ‘Death Vision’: A Surprisingly Fresh Way to See the World

Putting a modern twist on an ancient philosophical concept ‘memento mori’.

Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe


Life and Death by an unknown artist. Sourced from artuk.org

Have you ever looked around a room full of people and imagined everyone dead and the building as rubble? I know you haven’t, but I have. It isn’t as sinister as you think. I call this ‘death vision’.

Let me explain myself before I get labeled as a psychopath. This exercise reminds me that nothing is permanent and that we will all die one day. Keeping the inevitable prospect of death stored in the back of your head can revolutionize the way you live your life. As all great things are, this idea is rooted in ancient philosophy from thousands of years ago.

‘Memento mori’ — Remember that you will die.

Whatever you do in life, stressing over deadlines, dragging out arguments for a week, winning the lottery, writing a New York Times bestselling book, none of it matters. Literally nothing you do matters on this planet and it’s time you stop caring. No, I’m not using this as a cop-out excuse to discredit all the great things people achieve, I’m giving you a more practical outlook to make the most out of your limited days.



Alen Bašić
Mind Cafe

Harnessing the skill of writing and storytelling to change my life. Join me on my journey of making life more purposeful https://theintrovertedthinker.carrd.co/