Breaking the Grip of Guilt Using the Power of Vulnerability

When we let ourselves be vulnerable, we use our guilt to form the connections we need to live a meaningful life

Athena Milios
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2023


Photo by Riccardo Mion on Unsplash

Mishaps Open the Mental Floodgates That Allow Guilt to Enter

Though some behaviors are objectively wrong (immoral), most of the time we use a personal set of internal standards to judge right from wrong. The criteria we use depend on our values, emotions, and past experiences. Although our assessment of right and wrong is often subjective, most of us would agree that being wrong is ‘bad’ and needs to be avoided. However, being wrong from time to time shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing! Mistakes teach us the most powerful, memorable lessons we will ever learn. They give us priceless insights into our strengths, our limits, and where we need to move next in life to continue growing.

Mistakes open the mind’s floodgates to allow valuable knowledge to enter, but this opening also lets negative feelings such as guilt come in. While guilt can be constructive (healthy) if it motivates us to seek forgiveness and correct behaviors that are objectively wrong (i.e., cause harm to ourselves or others), there are many situations in which the guilt we feel is disproportionate



Athena Milios
Mind Cafe

Greek-Canadian, clinical pharmacist with a master's in psychiatry. I love writing stories and poems around mental health to exercise my creative bone!