How to Use Affirmations to Shift Your Mindset

A guide to making use of the world’s hottest wellness trend.

Sydney Nicole
Mind Cafe


I’m going to just be upfront with you. I’ve been through some rotten changes in my life over the past few years, and it’s rocked my self-esteem.

This isn’t to elicit a pity party in the least. It’s a confession I am making to anyone who may be in the same boat I am at the moment.

That being said, I think it’s high time I (or we, if you would like to take this challenge with me) to make life a lot more enjoyable. The thing is, life is what you make it.

I am guilty of having ‘let’ life happen to me in the past. Day in and day out, I would live the same day over again, hoping that something miraculous would happen that would make life incredible somehow. I didn’t realize that’s what I was doing until recently.

I’ve slowly started to realize that I have more power over my life than I give myself credit for. If I want to have better days, I can. I just have to change the way I see the world around me.

That’s what led me to affirmations. Sometimes, it takes a little time to learn new ways of living. You just don’t know what you don’t know. So I took to Google to find some ways to help me transform my thinking.



Sydney Nicole
Mind Cafe

Figuring out how to live life the best way I can.