Want to Be a Billionaire? Elon Musk Says to Study Physics.

Degrees in computer science, electrical engineering, economics, and marketing are worthless.

Hyrum Bradshaw
Mind Cafe


Steve Jurvetson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Thirty years ago, MBAs were the standard amongst corporate leadership. A boardroom would seem incomplete without a few people from Wharton and one or two from Harvard.

However, the rise of Silicon Valley also brought about the rise of the engineer, with coding geniuses like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Mark Zuckerberg. It seems like all tech titans nowadays are engineers, not businessmen: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and, of course, Elon Musk.

What’s the best thing to study, though? Is it still finance or marketing, or maybe coding? I would argue (with credible backing) that physics is the best thing for any aspiring entrepreneur.

What Elon Says:

As many of you know, Elon Musk did get a dual degree in college for economics and physics. Everyone has heard Elon talk about “first principles thinking”, which is a physics idea of thinking about the simplest things you know to be true.

In fact, Elon has talked many times about how important physics is in his life. One of his tweets is pretty revealing:

“The smartest people in most…



Hyrum Bradshaw
Mind Cafe

Writing, physics, blockchain, tech, politics, learning, and more.