Want to Quit Complaining? Try This

A simple guide to ridding yourself of the habit of complaint.

David Kingsbury
Mind Cafe


Photo by KE ATLAS on Unsplash

No matter what steps we take to avoid or prevent problems, setbacks and disappointments from occurring, they are unavoidable parts of life’s tapestry. What matters most is how we deal with them.

When things go wrong, our reflex action can often be to complain. Not necessarily to someone who can make a difference, of course; just to anybody who happens to be in earshot. The problem with this is that complaining doesn’t change anything; it just makes us focus on the negative aspects of a given situation.

That is not a recipe for happiness. And we can all agree that nobody likes a complainer.

Imagine if, instead of getting stressed out when things don’t go your way, you could learn to sit with them, shrug, and say, “Good”?

Be Cool, Honey Bunny

You can’t control everything that happens in life, but you can control how you react to the things that don’t go your way. And how you respond to bumps in the road can make a big difference to your sense of wellbeing.

Here’s a principle worth remembering:

How we react to a problem can potentially have a bigger impact than



David Kingsbury
Mind Cafe

Ex-coach turned Copywriter | Words in Start It Up, Mind Cafe, The Ascent, P.S. I Love You + more | Want me to write your emails or web content? DM me here/on X