Travel | Photography

We Hiked Around the Alps in Switzerland — It Was Beautiful

And being able to capture the magic.

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2024


Image Copyright by Author (Bryan Dijkhuizen) | Eiger 2023

Photos are the memories of one’s soul.

I make a lot of them. Especially when I’m traveling. I love to capture the beautiful images and landscapes I encounter. This way they don’t get lost and I can share them with you for example.

Last month I was in Switzerland with my sister.

We went by train and it was fantastic. In 2023, I bought an SLR camera to be able to take pictures of my travels more professionally.

It was a Canon EOS M50m2.

Photos taken with your phone sometimes just lack some depth. Especially with landscapes and nature images.

Two photos I’m proud of, for example, are these:

Image by Author (Bryan Dijkhuizen) | Zermatt 2023

These photos were taken in Zermatt, just before the Matterhorn mountain (which looks like the Toblerone).

The photos look similar but were shot from a different angle.

Also, they both had different filters applied in Adobe Lightroom. What I love…



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. —