We lost a friend

Bye Sky.

Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2022


Image by author: Bryan Dijkhuizen | Appingedam

If you’ve read some articles by me, you know our cat named Sky.

She died today.

Things had not been going well for Sky for some time. She already was an old cat, and to talk in cat terms, she was highly elderly at 15 years old.

But in the last few weeks, it really finished for Sky.

She was in pain

She was already having trouble walking, jumping, and her joints were just aching. Where she used to be the cat that jumped around the house and climbed into trees without any effort, she’d rather be the stay-at-home cat now.

Image by Author: Bryan Dijkhuizen

She had been receiving medication for her osteoarthritis for some time. That, of course, was already a sign that things were getting worse. Since last Thursday, she stopped eating and started throwing up.

We took her to the vet on Monday and we concluded that it was better for Sky if this was the final stop for her. She couldn’t take it anymore.

That knowledge hurt and I cried about that.

15 Years of joy



Bryan Dijkhuizen
Mind Cafe

Writing about the life of a neurodivergent creative in a neurotypical world. — https://bryandijkh.substack.com/