We’re All Exhausted. Here’s How to Take a Soul Break

It’s okay to just want to ‘check out’ for a while

Emily Jennings
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2021


soul break
Image credit: Canva

There’s always a lot of talk about mental health, but we don’t often hear about spiritual health. Sometimes our souls are just tired. This kind of exhaustion directly affects our mental and physical health. The state of our whole being depends upon the stability of what’s going on at a soul level.

Sometimes I am exhausted for no apparent reason. Sometimes I am low-level depressed even when the situations in my life are at their best, and there is no observable reason why I should be feeling this way. I wake up some mornings and just feel heavy and somewhat crazy. Does this resonate?

My spirit is trying to free itself and that’s absolutely painful.

When you’re going through a period of karmic growth — when your energy is evolving to a new level — you might literally feel like dying. Dying to escape the pain, or dying because the old you is being exterminated. Either way, you must endure and persevere.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t take a soul break.

What’s a Soul Break?

A soul break isn’t the same as a mental break because you can still be using your mind. It…



Emily Jennings
Mind Cafe

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness | www.wellnessoneness.com