Nobody Wants To Read Cliché Self-Help Articles On Medium Anymore

They’re doing serious damage to our culture.

Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe


Photo by Monstera from Pexels

I used to watch Gary Vaynerchuk videos for several hours per day.

I didn’t realize it back then. But I was becoming more and more indoctrinated by the toxic allure of “hustle culture.” I used words like “grind” and “perseverance” to describe my work ethic. Heck, I even spoke about my dream of “building a social media empire.”

But here’s the thing: Newton’s third law of motion states that what goes up must come down. And since my ego was ridiculously high, it eventually came crashing down to Earth. That hurt.

Most People Just Want To Live A Happy Life

Right? I don’t want to make too many assumptions. But wherever you are in the world, I’ll assume that you want to live a happy and fulfilling life. Each day, you want to wake up with a smile, spend time with your family, and do loads of things you enjoy. So, you ask yourself: “How can I turn my dream into a reality?” Often, self-improvement articles sell themselves as the answer.

They lure us in with the promise of being healthy, wealthy, or incredibly successful. Each article promises to “change your life” so you can “become a better person.” But more often…



Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe

Full-time storyteller. Want to talk about writing? I'm offering video calls for people who sign up to my Substack.