What a Buddhist Monk Wishes He’d Heard from His Therapist

Remember you’re a rose.

Maria Milojković, MA
Mind Cafe


Yell and red-petaled rose
Image by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash

Long before he came to a monastery in Thailand, Nick Keomahavong was a young guy from West Coast who was into psychology and dancing. He had a busy social life but also suffered from a constant sense of heaviness. While he watched his friends become the heart of the party, he felt like a frustrated little wallflower.

And so he found a CBT therapist — a kind woman with an eclectic approach. As she built a rapport with him, the therapist gave Nick tools on what to do in large crowded places: Don’t try to be the center of the party. Find one person to talk to and stick to them. Build a connection with a meaningful conversation.

Her techniques helped Nick in communication with strangers. But only many years later, when he left his entire American life and became a Buddhist in Asia, he finally realized the grain of wisdom he was missing the whole time.

In his video, he speaks about what he wishes his therapist had told him years ago.

#1 What Is Your True Nature?

Nick grew up from a shy child into a quiet guy. But he couldn’t be cool as a Silent Bob among his friends, so he did everything they were doing. Nick went everywhere and partied in crowds.



Maria Milojković, MA
Mind Cafe

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