What Age an Average Person Reaches Emotional Maturity?

And 15 common traits of grown-up people.

Mind Cafe


Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

I wish emotional maturity could develop as we grow up physically, but unfortunately, that’s not the usual case. Studies say men reach emotional maturity around 43, while 32 years of age is where most women mature. Considering both genders join the workforce or start a family much earlier than they have a decent level of control over their emotional state, this data explains why sometimes we choose the wrong paths in life.

Emotional maturity can be defined as a person’s ability to perceive, understand, manage emotions and be aware of others’ feelings. As most of our decisions are made in our emotional brain, emotional maturity is a crucial life skill to obtain. Knowing the commonalities of people who can regulate their emotions well is a starting point for gaining those skills. So here you go, here are the 15 traits of emotionally mature people:

1. Humble

Humility is one of the most significant signs of emotionally mature people. They do not look down on others or boast about their success. But instead, they always stay hungry to learn and grow.

2. Authentic

They do not act like someone they are not. Instead, they stay true to their opinions and…

