What Philosophers Can Teach Us About Getting Out of Bed
How the best thinkers dealt the struggle of mornings.
“It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” — Aristotle
Wondrous philosophers across the ages have pondered great questions in life.
- “What’s the meaning of life?”
- “Why are we here?”
- “What’s our purpose?”
These may be important questions, but one greater question seemed to occupy ancient and modern philosophers alike. Namely, how the hell do you get out of bed in the morning?
You may think this is funny, but if you can’t get out of bed, how are you going to answer the great questions in life? That does pose a bit of a problem. It’s a problem for the average person as much as it was for the deep thinking philosopher.
In fact, a number of philosophers have given much thought to this question. Not only have they thought about it, they’ve worked these ideas into their lives.
If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, you’re not alone. Here are some strategies from the greatest philosophers time has known to conquer the snooze alarm.