When Life Gives You Lemons, Be Relentless

and make the juice worth the squeeze

Mary Liga
Mind Cafe


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Life handed me lemons, so I made lemonade, lemon cake, lemon drops, and I even used the rinds to make lemon art. So the joke is on you, life…

- Emilyann Allen

That’s the spirit, right?

At least I think so.

Although there’s no denying that there have been times I’ve seen a lovely glass pitcher of fresh-squeezed lemonade, with crackling ice floating in it, garnished with juicy, vibrant, slices of lemons, and thought, “I should do that sometime…but it seems like a lot of work.”

Yes. It’s a lot of work for sure, and if there ever was a time when the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, it’s when you’re making lemonade.

That is if you’re squeezing the lemons by hand.

Invest in a juicer? Now you’re talkin’.

Let’s face it, the good things in life aren’t usually handed to us on a silver platter, perfectly prepared and ready to enjoy.

Usually, they appear like lemons; You have no idea what to do with them, and since you didn’t plan on getting them, now you have a bowl of lemons sitting there…



Mary Liga
Mind Cafe

Margarita-loving copywriter, life coach, home design junkie, and host of The Badass Midlife Podcast. maryjoliga@gmail.com