When Negative Feedback Punches You in the Gut, Don’t Punch Back

There are positive ways to move forward.

Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe


Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Feedback comes at you from all sides — managers, editors, parents, partners, children, colleagues, clients, and, thanks to social media, total strangers.

It can spur you to improve and achieve more, or it can derail you and send you into a downward, negative spiral.

Whether it helps or hinders, it usually hurts.

Research from Psychtests.com reveals that negative criticism can feel like “…a punch in the stomach…followed by a well of emotions — sadness, anger, shame, resentment, and maybe a little guilt….It ends with one of the following scenarios: an angry outburst, a tirade of past achievements, a deer-in-the-headlights look, a resolve to come out better, smarter, stronger, or a desire to take sweet, subtle revenge.”¹

Let’s do a quick activity:

  1. Remember a time when someone lavished praise on you and your work.
  2. Remember a time when someone tore apart your work and ground it into the ground with apparent glee.

If you’re like many people, it was easier to remember № 2. In fact, not only did you remember it in great detail, you probably re-experienced the same feelings.



Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. & pat@phaddock.com.