When the Empath Meets the Narcissist

The dynamics of a fatal attraction.

Zita Fontaine
Mind Cafe


Before it got bad, it was not only good — it was amazing. It was everything I have ever wanted, everything I have ever wished for, and so many things I have never even dreamt to ask for. It was love, pure and raw and earthmoving love — that changes you and changes how you see the world. I loved so fiercely and wildly that I failed to see that behind the mask of this bird with a broken wing whom I wanted to save so much, lied a vulture who was hungry for my soul and energy.

When it was over, and my heart was shattered and I couldn’t even bother to try and pick up the pieces, the worst was yet to come: the realisation that this love — so pure and raw — only existed in my mind and what I believed to be the greatest love on earth was nothing but fuelling someone’s unrequited self-love.

I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love. — Emily Levine

I am an Empath. And I fell in love with a Narcissist. And in a way, he fell in love with me, too. But this way was a destructive, fatal way.



Zita Fontaine
Mind Cafe

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: zita.substack.com Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail