Why Do We Hate What We Love?

To do something you love is to know that you won’t always like it.

Emily Wilcox
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

The other day I made like a corkscrew and began spiralling down a narrow hole. Except not a wine bottle (because wine sucks, Nesquik is the future), but a Google search (the internet also sucks, but if you know what to type in then there’s a much higher likelihood of it at least being Robert Pattinson that you find).

I looked up: “why do artists hate what they make?”

Seventeen minutes later, plus an interlude filled with custard creams and a quick wee, it finally occurred to me. Loving what you do is not at all the same as liking what you do.

And that, that is a tricky concept to accept.

Love and Happiness are Not the Same

First of all, this doesn’t just regard artists.

This extends to everybody, all people, any human with the capacity for self-awareness (so not a certain American president then). We’ve all evolved alongside the notion that life is about doing what you love; which it is. About being happy; which it is. It is those that balance out your very existential purpose.

But I think we have a tendency to get them misconstrued. We merge them together in places they are not meant…



Emily Wilcox
Mind Cafe

In a parallel universe I imagine I’m an astro-archaeologer or an orange cat (either way, I’m curled up on the moon) but here, and forever, I’m a storyteller.