Why Fear and Commitment Phobia Are Your Best Friends

And Why We Need to Stop Judging Ourselves

Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes
Mind Cafe


Photo by Bram

For a long time I’ve struggled with the desire to be in a relationship only to find myself in one and wanting to get out of it. I think this is a common occurrence but we seem to be incredibly judgmental of people who struggle with emotional security. Most of us don’t understand what lies below the insecurity and we simply conclude that they have “commitment issues.” We even say it with disdain like it is a physical disease we don’t want to be around. Few of us actually extend any support or help to someone else who may be struggling with intimacy.

When you are prone to some type of insecurity it is only natural that your emotions on any given day are in charge of making your life decisions. Emotions are not bad. We just have a tendency to give them too much credit — often over interpreting the data they provide. Most of us are unable to differentiate which emotions are ours, which emotions are our partners, and which emotions may actually be coming from the energy of our community. We are living in a time of intense fear and commitment issues that can overwhelm our nervous system to the point where we believe everyone else’s issues are our own. We are unknowingly in a state of chronic overstimulation. We have five senses that most of us do not know how to…



Dr. Jennifer B. Rhodes
Mind Cafe

Sex & Relationship Alchemist | Author & Speaker | Intuitive | Psychologist @jenniferbrhodes