Politics | Self | Culture

Why Liberals Love Townhomes

A revealing insight into ideologies and how you shop for homes.

Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2022


Editorial rights via iStock Photos

Liberals love townhomes.

You might be asking yourself, “Why should I even care to know why?”

The reasoning goes to the very heart of our ideologies and psychology. Learning why might just boost your empathy, and your understanding of the “other side”.

It will even help you on your next house hunt.

The proper context

I was born into a very conservative family and, to this day, it still occasionally becomes a bone of contention.

My first wife was a Republican and I’m still a Democrat. We couldn’t agree on much politically and that tension was further enflamed being a swing state, and a critical one at that (Florida).

Many people go their entire lives without seeing presidential ad campaigns on TV.

Not us.

Most neighborhoods here in south Tampa skew fairly conservative. For 13 years, I lived in one.

As I shopped for a new house, I knew I wanted to live in a place where I wasn’t the odd man out all the time.



Sean Kernan
Mind Cafe

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