Why Money Can’t Buy Happiness: The Sad Destiny of Onassis’s Granddaughter

Or how the richest girl inherited family damnation.

Maria Milojković, MA
Mind Cafe


Athina Onassis de Miranda and her horse AD Camille Z
Competition CHI Genève 2013–20131215 — Athina Onassis de Miranda and her horse AD Camille Z, Image by Clément Bucco-Lechat on Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Money is God in today’s world. You toil away to earn enough and get yourself an easy life. You look for shortcuts to affluence. If you’re lucky, you’ll retire before 40. But what if you were so rich it made your life miserable?

When shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis died, his daughter Christina inherited the wealth. Ten years later, Christina gave birth to a baby girl. She named her Athina, after her mother who had died of an overdose when she was only 45.

It was the year 1985 and the baby’s destiny was already sealed. As if she were a character in an ancient Greek tragedy, with all that wealth, the girl seemed to carry the family doom from birth.

The rich and heartbroken family

Twelve years before the baby came to this world, Aristotle suffered a nasty blow. In 1973, his 24-year-old son died in a plane crash. His beautiful Alexander was gone and the old man was devastated.

Soon the tycoon was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease — Myasthenia gravis. One of the leading business people in the world didn’t have the strength to move his muscles anymore. Coincidence? Not likely.



Maria Milojković, MA
Mind Cafe

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