Why Thinking You Suck is Actually a Sign You Are Heading in the Right Direction

How to use fear and pain to your advantage.

Eric Jan Huizer
Mind Cafe
5 min readDec 3, 2019


We all feel sometimes as if we’re not enough, we fear rejection and failure- fear is common in all of our lives. And if you let fear take over your life, it will stop you from reaching your true potential by making your life comfortable and predictable.

But fear can also be something very important and serve you when you break through the frustration and achieve the things you really desire. Yes, you can even make fear and pain your biggest motivator.

I believe that when you want to succeed, you have no other choice than to do your absolute best and achieve whatever it is that you want. You don’t even mind to make sacrifices, no more excuses and achieve great things. If you know what you want, just do it, no more wasting time.

The most successful people know to overcome their fears and pains in their lives. They choose to overcome these fears and pains because they know that the real fear is the price they pay if they don’t give their goals every ounce of energy and focus they have. They understand that the real fear is living a life in which they have settled and be comfortable, a life without any real progress.

How to Use Fear as a Reality-Check

Fears can be somewhat based on reality and can be somewhat rational since most things in life are a battle. But most of our fears (by far) are not legitimate and realistic, they will never come true.

And for those people who can really scare themselves with their fears, try to keep in mind that those fears are nothing more than possibilities. By far most fears like disgrace, diseases, and embarrassment will never come true. And besides that, most tragedies in life are unforeseen and will happen anyway, so stop worrying about it and ruining your life in the process.

When you realize this, you can relax more and it might even help you taking new chances. Without fears, you can live your life in a vibrant and relaxed way.

Yes, your mind sometimes project fears and pains in all sort of different ways. The creativity that your mind uses to project fears can also be the wellspring of innovation. And that is why I am telling you this, all the energy your mind uses to project fears and pains, your mind can also use this energy to tackle new projects and hit new goals. But you have to realize that it’s you who need to make this choice, by not letting your mind block you from making progress.

Simply analyze your fears, and realize that the fears might be far-fetched and just let them go. All the things you were afraid of in the past, 99% of those fears never came true. Which means that 99% of your fears are holding you back in life.

Accept That Pain and Fear Will Make You Fail Sometimes

Like I said earlier, 99% of your fears will not come true. But yes, 1% of your fears will come true. Bad things happen to the best of us, but even then, the fear is probably bigger than what really happens. So even though these moments are scary, the fear is much worse than the reality.

You’ll make it through, you’ll manage, I’m sure. In the long run, those fears and pains will lose their strengths. You will be surprised by your own strength and how you stay focussed and learn you don’t have to afraid of your own fears.

Good things take time, and this is also true for learning new things. There is no reason to let this freak you out, it is, in fact, a good thing that you are nervous when trying new things. So take your time and give yourself the time to learn and implement new things. Don’t try to jump, but take it one step at the time.

Discomfort is a side effect of growth

How to Let Pain and Fear Motivate You

The first step is the hardest, especially when you put your own and energy time in it. Once you got started it does not feel difficult anymore, once you get the ball rolling it’s not a big deal anymore. Your fear of starting something new was not even remotely realistic, but you only learn this once you start.

Everything new can be daunting, from going to the gym to learning programming-skills on the computer. I understand this, but let me tell you this: a failed attempt will never haunt you, but the lack of trying will.

These moments of self-doubt, transform that self-doubt into the desire to meet your goals. Instead of letting fear lead you, take that energy and use it to find the best solution for your issue. Use your inner fears to conquer failures.

How to Transform a Fixed Mindset Into a Growth Mindset

Several studies show us that people with a growth mindset are able to negotiate better and push better past obstacles and to make everybody benefit from situations they handle. Like selling products or services for example.

Some people have a fixed mindset, which means their fear of failure is stressing them out like crazy until their progress is gone completely. They feel stuck and don’t really know where to go from here. Here is a good way to turn a fixed mindset into a growth mindset.

Learn to hear your fixed mindset voice

What is your internal narrative telling you when trying something new? Do you see it as a problem or a challenge for you?

Recognize that you have a choice

The way you handle setbacks, challenges, and criticism is a choice you make. You can take them in with a fixed mindset, which will mean that you believe you are lacking talent or abilities. Or you can take them in with a growth mindset, which will mean that you believe you have to grow your talent and abilities. It’s your choice, but I can tell you that the latter is what I prefer every day.

Talkback to it with a growth mindset voice

When you are taking up a challenge, are you doing all you can to avoid failure or are you willing to embrace opportunities to learn?

Take the growth mindset action

Whatever your choice will be, the voice you feed will be the dominant voice and in turn, will steer the outcomes in your life. Whether you learn from your mistakes or fight challenges until the end, try to learn from it and realize that the choice is yours.

For me as a person and business-owner, choosing a growth mind makes my life much easier. When I want something, I go for it and give it my all, and when I fail, I will do it again until I succeed.

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Eric Jan Huizer
Mind Cafe

Proud Husband, Storyteller, Passionate about (Personal)Growth, Mindset, and Entrepreneurship.