Why You Need To Stop Making Every Minute Count

An intervention.

Martina D.
Mind Cafe


Photo: Mike Von

My friend is pacing around the room, arms flailing. She is triple-booked for next week. Three opportunities larger than life, three deadlines strictly set in concrete, one human for whom they’ll be impossible to meet.

Except this isn’t my friend. Because my friend doesn’t know what panic is. I mean, I’ve seen her stay calm through a (very) frightening London incident. She is grounded. She is confident. She never lets her hair be anything other than glossy smooth.

Wait, correction. That was her. Before the start of her cellular-level obsession.

The obsession that sends her on a guilt trip each night when she goes to bed.

“Just work harder”

Business. Personal development. Life experiences. Fitness.

There’s absolutely no doubt we all need to hear this reminder sometimes (or often). After all, unless you’re extremely lucky, you do need to work hard to build a life. And let’s face it, many people, me included, are just pure lazy. We need the kick.

It’s just this deeply pressurizing part of the message, the idea that if you aren’t maximizing every minute of every day you’re doing something wrong, that gets people in trouble. Stuff like:



Martina D.
Mind Cafe

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://selfpubstudio.substack.com