Why You Probably Can’t Learn Much From Navy SEALs or Self-Help Gurus

How much can you really learn from the best?

Chris Wojcik
Mind Cafe


Photo by Michael Afonso on Unsplash

When I was 19 years old, depressed, and longing for meaning in my life, I stumbled upon podcast interviews with people like Jocko Willink, David Goggins, and Jordan Peterson.

At the time, these interviews inspired the heck out of me. I drank the Kool-Aid and then went back for seconds.

I bought Jocko and Goggin’s and Jordan Peterson’s books. I devoured them both. Both men have inspiring stories. The books themselves are great.

There’s just one problem.

For a 19-year-old kid who was battling mental illness, it took a lot more than just a book from a war hero or a self-help guru for me to pull myself together.

Jocko and David Goggins are, in my opinion, some of the most motivated people in the world. The problem is, some people might be too motivated to teach you how to become motivated yourself.

You don’t need a masterclass to learn.

A few weeks ago, I taught a Jiu-Jitsu lesson for a guy in his 40s who had never trained martial arts before.

It was a few days after I had gotten back from competing in the world championships. I…

