Why You Should Practice Digital Minimalism

And how to use it to get out of the attention economy.

Alexander Boswell
Mind Cafe


Photo by Alex Presa on Unsplash
Disclaimer: This article does not contain any affliate links

Back in 2018, RescueTime ran some stats on their users and found people, on average, use their phones for 3 hours and 15 minutes a day. With ‘heavy’ users running up 4.5 hours. Our reliance on tech also shows in the business world; Apple recently became the first company to be valued at $1.5 Trillion, Trillion.

And it’s easy to get lost in it all.

You’re checking your emails on your way to work. Social media pulls you into a half-hour rabbit hole during your break, then you recheck your emails on your way home. The news cycle hits you 24/7. You probably relax by watching the TV or a movie, right?

That was me. But a couple of years ago, I came across the book titled ‘Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World’ by Cal Newport. It changed the way I view my relationship with technology.

If you also feel a little overwhelmed by how much tech is taking over your life, stick around.

What is ‘Digital Minimalism’?

You may be one of those many people who watched that Minimalism documentary or you got tied up in Tidying



Alexander Boswell
Mind Cafe

Founder of SaaSOCIATE, a content marketing agency or MarTech, AdTech, and eCommerce SaaS businesses | Business PhD Candidate | He/Him | saasociate.com