Writers: Our Submissions Are Now Open

You heard us right.

Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe


2 min readSep 26, 2023


Well, well, well. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

How are you all?

As you may already know, our submissions box has been firmly closed for some time now. We explained why in a recent letter, and I promised you that they wouldn’t remain closed for much longer.

Today is the day you’ve been waiting for.

Our submissions box is now open again!

But before you send us your work, there’s a few things I need to let you know:

  1. Our submissions guidelines have changed. Whether you’re a new or an old writer of ours, please review these before submitting your work.
  2. They’re still stringent. I appreciate that Mind Cafe has always been quite difficult to get into. That hasn’t changed, I’m afraid. I started this publication with the intention of transforming the self-improvement landscape by prioritising only the best quality content out there. So, that’s what we’re continuing to do.
  3. At present, it’s just me reviewing submissions. And, like most humans in today’s world, I already have a lot on my plate. Please give me a week to review your submission.

So with all of that said, it’s time for the bit you’ve all been waiting for.

To submit your article for publication, please click here. Towards the end of the page, you’ll see our submissions form.

I’ll look forward to reading your stories.

Thank you.




Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__