Yes, Your Life Is What You Think It Is

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” — Henry David Thoreau

Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe


There are two fundamental ways to look at life. Life sucks. Life is awesome. Both are true.

When Corona happened and everything went downhill, I got upset. Stupid virus. People die, the gyms are closed, my grandparents are confined to their home and in danger, and the festivals, language course, and seminars I had planned this summer were canceled. Ugh.

I wasn’t the only one whose plans and mood was spoiled. People went apeshit. Life sucks.

But instead of succumbing to the suckiness and having my summer ruined by a global pandemic, I said to myself what I’ve been saying for years. Life is going to be awesome.

And life became awesome. Instead of complaining about closed clubs and bars, I used to the time work on myself and my dreams. Instead of fearing for my grandparents, I took it as an opportunity to call them more often. Instead of being miserable and viewing everything as a shit show, I decided to be more positive about it all and focus on the good.

The situation itself didn’t change one iota — lockdowns were still in place. But my perception took a 180-degree turn for the better.



Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe

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