You Have A Second Life (If You Make It Real)

What you can learn from Confucius’ age-old wisdom.

Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe


Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash

Imagine you had a second life — not by starting all over again, but by having a second you running around, free to do whatever they wished.

What would you do? Rob a bank? Travel for half a year? Start that business you always dreamt of? Take a few hits of acid or snort a line of coke just to see what happens?

You only live once — but you’ve got a second life.

It’s the one you live in your imagination, in your daydreams, in the video games you play, books you read, and movies you watch. You imagine yourself as the strong hero, the smart boss, or the laid-back surfer dude who spends his days riding waves and chills in a comfortable hammock under palm trees, slurping on a freshly cut coconut, watching tanned bodies in bikinis. Then, reality hits you like Mike Tyson’s fist Joe Frazier’s jaw in 1986.

You’re painfully reminded of the boring paperwork you shuffle from 9 to 5, the nagging wife, lazy husband, or empty apartment you come home to, and the stack of bills that waits for you on the kitchen table. But even if your life isn’t in shambles, your reality often doesn’t live up to your dreams.



Moreno Zugaro
Mind Cafe

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