Your Biggest Personal Growth Comes from Inner-Transformation

Embrace the “hard.” Here’s how to make the biggest gains.

Christopher D. Connors
Mind Cafe


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Being yourself? Now that should be easy.

Crafting the life you want for yourself? Well, that’s not easy. In fact, it’s hard.

Always remember this — hard should never push you away. It should only make your motivation and willpower stronger. Hard requires that you stretch yourself in directions that may be uncomfortable at times.

When people tell you something is too hard and that you’d be best suited to “get in” somewhere else to start, tell them you’re not interested. Go after what you love, what lights you up inside. Otherwise, you will live with regret.

By all means, do what you have to do to pay the bills but, if you are able, find the time to do what you love. We either keep kicking the can down the road in life or we take action. It’s that simple.

By striving for authenticity, we get to a place deep inside that speaks to us, soothes our soul and calms our nerves. It feels like home because when we’re there, spiritually and mentally, we are at home.


What changed my life was realizing the results I thought I wanted weren’t quite what…

