You’re Not Defined by the Media You Love

a.k.a how to shut off your brain and enjoy.

Asher "Zach" Neuman
Mind Cafe


Photo by Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash

Believe it or not, there was a time when people liked Nickleback. After all, their albums sold over 50 million copies worldwide and their success propelled Chad Kroeger into the spotlight.

But, you may ask, why do I bring this up? Well, because nowadays it’s become popular to hate the band. So much so that anyone who might like Nickleback is called worse words than I can write in this article.

Yet, this same vitriol is spewed constantly about other types of media. Songs, movies, TV shows, and books all garner fans that defend them to the death, and any criticism leads to “block” buttons and ban-hammers. Every popular IP has turned into a battleground.

In general, if there are 7 Billion people in this world, chances are that people have different tastes. People can love From Justin to Kelly but hate National Treasure, hate The Dark Knight but love American Pie 2. The list goes on, but you get my drift.

It’s these tastes that turn into allegiances, and those tarnish the way viewers choose media. This forced side-picking leads to less enjoyment. Echo chambers are formed and yield constant affirmation but a narrow-minded perspective. All of this leads to a divided entertainment population and a chaotic…



Asher "Zach" Neuman
Mind Cafe

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