You’re Trying to Do Too Much

Scott H. Young
Mind Cafe
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2021


I’ve been teaching online courses for 10+ years. A typical student has an array of varied interests and passions. They want to learn Spanish and guitar. And also machine learning and web development. Oh, and they want to start an online business — so they’d better learn marketing too.

I like these students. Heck, I am one of these students, so I relate to their enthusiasm.

The problem is that this enthusiasm is rarely matched with execution. Attempting several pursuits at once is a recipe for accomplishing none of them. Progress requires priorities. We need to tackle projects one at a time — not try to juggle them all at once.

The Mindset of Open Options

I recently read Pete Davis’s excellent book Dedicated. In the book, he argues against the culture of “liquid modernity,” the idea that we always need to keep our options open and avoid committing to causes, communities and projects.

Davis argues that we live in a culture that prizes keeping one’s options open. It’s better to be maximally flexible, the popular reasoning goes, so that we can respond to any opportunity at a moment’s notice. Committing to anything, even for just a few months, locks away other possibilities, and is thus undesirable.



Scott H. Young
Mind Cafe

Author of WSJ best selling book: Ultralearning | Twitter: @scotthyoung