You’ve Been Thinking About Enlightenment All Wrong

It’s a skill you can learn in a matter of weeks.

David Majister
Mind Cafe


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Enlightenment is not a 10,000 hours thing that only happens to Buddhist monks who spend decades meditating in the Tibetan mountains.

Enlightenment, according to Dr. Jeffery Martin’s research, is a skill you can master, and around 65% of people who are motivated to achieve enlightenment can do it in as little as 45 days.

A common myth is that enlightened people experience only positive emotions; they live in a state of perpetual calm.

Another is that it’s only available to a few people who seclude themselves away and spend thousands of hours in prayer or meditation.

The truth is that it’s pretty accessible, and enlightened people are all around us, shopping the same stores we do, working in the same offices, and driving on the same roads.

Part of the reason we miss this is that we don’t actually understand what it means to be enlightened, so let’s take a look.

Defining Terms — What is Enlightenment?

Dr. Jeffery Martin, an entrepreneur and social scientist has spent over a decade studying thousands of enlightened people through in-depth interviews. His technical term for…



David Majister
Mind Cafe

10x top writer. World traveler (26 countries). Runner (1k+ miles). Meditator (9.5k minutes). Introvert. Wild swimmer. Story maker.