A good first lesson

Thiago Brum
Mind Dump
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2016

When you are working as a product manager, one of the most important things you need to do is to stay tuned on what your peers are doing to make their businesses successful.

I heard about Product Camp from a colleague during a meeting with our Product Management team a while ago. The idea of an "unconference" was always very interesting to me because of the freedom we have to talk about anything we want to. Also, events like this are really useful if you want to "improve your game".

There is a local edition in Atlanta, the Product Camp ATL, which is organized by a group of passionate product people like Jason Brett and his air horn. If you've been there, you know what I'm talking about… :)

You can't see the air horn from here but you'll hear it loud if your session pitch takes more than 30 sec!

My personal goal for this camp was to understand what KPI's my peers were using to measure the success of their products, if they were facing any struggles and if there was some cool technique I could use for myself and my team's benefit.

The camp was over and I haven't learned any killer technique. I met new people who were facing issues pretty similar to the ones I have to deal with on a daily-basis. As for the KPI's, most of product managers agree on how to define the success of a product which is, in a nutshell, to track engagement by conversions to monitor how satisfied users are when using your product (and don't forget the NPS, please).

However, I got something else, much more important than processes and tools:

I got inspired to share things I learn! This is the reason I ended up here.

This blog will start as an experiment. In a lack of a better elevator pitch, I want to use this space to share my findings on how to create a culture of innovation to build better products and businesses. Let's hope it works out!

Back to the camp thing, remember to check if there is any event in your area. If your city has an edition of Product Camp or any similar "unconference" do your best to attend to it. If not, create one! But most importantly, meet new people, share your learnings, get inspired. It's definitely worth it.



Thiago Brum
Mind Dump

Professional questions asker. I help teams make good decisions and launch great products. Guitar player and runner on spare time. An awesomely ordinary person.