Why Elm Might Be a Better Choice Than React for Your Next Web Project

Charlotte Neill
MindGym Tech
Published in
5 min readSep 4, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the choices we make regarding our technology stack can profoundly impact the success of our projects. React, with its vast ecosystem and popularity, has long been a go-to choice for front-end development. Its flexibility and versatility have made it the darling of many developers.

Yet, in our quest for the best tools, it’s easy to overlook hidden gems that might offer unique advantages. One such gem is Elm, a functional programming language for building web applications. While it may not boast the same level of mainstream recognition as React, Elm presents a compelling case for consideration.

I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of working with Elm for over four years, during which I’ve not only honed my Elm skills but also seamlessly integrated Elm with React applications, led projects, and contributed to applications now in commercial use.

Photo by Alexis AMZ DA CRUZ on Unsplash

In this blog post, we’re going to explore why Elm might just be a better choice than React for your web development endeavours. We’ll delve into Elm’s simplicity, its robust type system, the support of its dedicated community, and a debugging tool that could change the way you approach troubleshooting in your projects.

The Simplicity Advantage

In an era where the JavaScript ecosystem offers a myriad of libraries, frameworks, and build tools, decision fatigue can set in quickly. React is known for its flexibility, but this can lead to endless choices: which state management library to use? How to structure your components? What’s the preferred way to handle side effects?

Enter Elm, a language that actively discourages such dilemmas. Elm’s design philosophy aligns with the mantra that “there should be one, and preferably only one, obvious way to do it” (a principle akin to Python’s). This minimalism extends from the language to its ecosystem.

With Elm, you’ll find a tightly knit collection of libraries and tools that are intentionally crafted to work together. This cohesion results in a straightforward development experience with fewer forks in the road. Elm’s small and curated ecosystem reduces decision-making complexity, allowing you to focus on building your application.

Moreover, Elm’s learning curve, often cited as a challenge, is unique in that it’s steep but surprisingly short. The language itself is compact and designed to be simple. Once you grasp its core concepts, you’ll find that you can work proficiently in Elm with ease. Compare this to React’s expansive landscape, where mastering the entire ecosystem can be a more extended endeavour.

Simplicity doesn’t just manifest in the choice of tools; it permeates your codebase. With Elm, immutability is enforced, and state changes are made via pure functions that produce new state instances. This simplicity contributes to code that is predictable, easy to test, and less prone to bugs.

Strong Typing and Reliability

Imagine a world where runtime errors are a thing of the past, where your codebase is free from null reference exceptions, type-related mishaps, and NaN cannot propagate through your code. Elm offers precisely this kind of assurance, thanks to its robust type system and the guarantees it provides through its compiler.

Elm’s type system is your guardian for application reliability. It eliminates the possibility of runtime errors entirely. If a piece of code compiles in Elm, it’s a guarantee that it will work as intended when your application runs. This level of certainty can save you hours of debugging and testing.

Consider, for example, the common problem of null or undefined values. In JavaScript and React, handling these cases can be a source of bugs. Elm eliminates this issue by design. If a value can potentially be null, it must be explicitly declared as such, and Elm forces you to handle these cases explicitly.

Furthermore, Elm’s type system makes your code more self-documenting. When reading Elm code, you can often discern the shape and purpose of data structures and functions just by examining their types. This self-documenting nature is a gift to you, your team, and anyone who comes across your code in the future.

Reliability extends beyond preventing errors. It leads to confidence in your codebase, enabling you to make changes and refactorings without the constant fear of breaking something unintentionally. Elm code is like a well-constructed fortress: solid, secure, and ready to withstand the test of time.

Supportive Community and Resources

Every technology is only as strong as its community, and Elm boasts a community that is both passionate and supportive. If you embark on an Elm journey, you’ll have thousands of fellow Elm enthusiasts by your side, ready to answer questions, provide guidance, and share in your triumphs.

One standout feature of Elm’s community support is the dedicated Elm Slack channel. Here, you’ll find a bustling hub of knowledge sharing and problem solving. Whether you’re a newcomer with a basic question or a seasoned Elm veteran facing a complex challenge, you’ll discover a warm welcome and the help you need.

Additionally, the Elm package ecosystem, while smaller than JavaScript’s, is known for its quality and reliability. Elm’s emphasis on community review and semantic versioning ensures that packages work well together and are well-maintained. Elm’s package manager, known as “elm-package,” makes it easy to discover, install, and manage packages for your project. It enforces strict versioning constraints to ensure that your project stays reliable and predictable over time.

A Time-Travelling Debugger

Debugging is an inevitable part of software development, but it doesn’t have to be a painful one. Elm introduces a game-changing tool in the form of its time-traveling debugger. This tool allows you to step through your application’s state changes and see how your code evolves over time.

With Elm’s debugger, you can rewind and replay user interactions, inspect the state at different points in time, and understand how actions flow through your application. It’s like having a DVR for your code, and it’s incredibly valuable for diagnosing and fixing issues.

This debugging capability isn’t just a fancy feature; it fundamentally changes the way you approach troubleshooting. Instead of adding console logs or using trial-and-error to identify problems, you can systematically investigate the behavior of your application, pinpoint issues with precision, and confidently make changes knowing that you’re not introducing new bugs.

While React offers various debugging tools, Elm’s time-traveling debugger stands out for its comprehensiveness and ease of use. It’s a powerful asset that can save you time and frustration in the debugging process.


In this exploration of Elm’s merits compared to React, we’ve uncovered a language that offers a refreshing departure from the norm. Elm’s simplicity, robust type system, supportive community, and time-traveling debugger are compelling reasons to embrace it as the superior choice for modern web development.

It’s important to recognise that Elm’s advantages aren’t mere possibilities; they are guarantees. With Elm, you can wave goodbye to runtime errors, confidently refactor code, and enjoy a development experience that’s as smooth as it is reliable.

Elm offers an alternative that goes beyond the status quo. Elm isn’t just a technology; it’s a philosophy — a commitment to code that is dependable, maintainable, and a joy to work with.

So, as you embark on your next web development journey, consider Elm not as an alternative, but as a bold choice that puts the power of reliability and simplicity firmly in your hands. Your codebase will thank you, your users will reap the rewards, and your development journey will be defined by reliability and simplicity.

