Lessons From Bill Gates’ How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need

Mind Harbor


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I immediately sympathized with Bill Gates after watching the Netflix documentary about him: Insanely smart guy tries his best to improve the world with technology and invests real money in solving global problems with his and his wife’s non-profit organization “Gates Foundation”. However, can a man who flies private jets and drives Mercedes Maybach’s write about how we can stop climate change? Doesn’t he set a bad example with such an immense carbon footprint?

He can. And he should. The one great thing about Bill Gates is that he knows what important topics to tackle. And when he’s talking about them you notice his enthusiasm and excitement that we, the world can solve those problems.

In his great book “How To Avoid A Climate Disaster” he writes about the massive problem of climate change. In this article, I want to share some of his ideas and interesting facts to memorize.

Difference in Temperature

During the last ice age, the average temperature was as little as six degrees lower than it is today. Feels not like a lot, right? That’s why an increase of one to two degrees makes all the difference regarding climate change.

