Master and you

Jonny Qi
Mind Hero
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024

Delving into mastery levels in spiritual practices reveals a profound journey that transcends the ordinary boundaries of human experience.

Spending time under the guidance of a spiritual master with a genuine lineage can evoke sensations akin to divine intervention. It’s as though the touch of a higher power has cleansed your being, leaving your mind clear, your heart untainted by grudges, and your spirit poised to forgive all. In this heightened state, the trivialities that once plagued your thoughts appear minuscule and insignificant.

World affairs such as politics and financial markets lose their grip on your attention as you immerse yourself in the purity of the moment. The world around you takes on a newfound clarity, with colors appearing more vivid and purpose permeating every aspect of existence. Yet, this heightened state of awareness is transient, akin to catching a glimpse of a crystal-clear signal on a satellite dish before it fades away.

Initially, the fleeting nature of this connection can be disheartening. However, with dedicated practice and unwavering determination, it’s possible to cultivate a stable connection over time. This journey is not measured in years but in decades, cautioning against those who promise shortcuts to enlightenment. True mastery requires patience, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to the path.

Upon attaining mastery, one becomes a conduit for transmitting this profound connection to others — a custodian of spiritual lineage. Masters appear in our lives when we are ripe for transformation, often during our moments of greatest need. Merely being curious is insufficient; one must possess an insatiable hunger for truth, a willingness to sacrifice everything for the sake of understanding.

For those fortunate enough to find a genuine master, holding onto their guidance becomes a matter of survival. The bond forged between master and disciple is akin to a lifeline, anchoring the seeker in a turbulent sea of existence. For in the realm of spiritual enlightenment, the journey is as treacherous as it is rewarding, and the master serves as both guide and guardian along the way.

In the end, the quest for mastery is not merely about personal enlightenment but also about sharing that light with others. It is a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and ultimately, service to humanity. So, if you find yourself on this path, remember to tread it with reverence, humility, and an unwavering commitment to truth. For in the pursuit of mastery lies the fulfillment of our highest purpose as spiritual beings.

