How To Meditate At Home

Technique, tools, F&Qs and much more.

Mind Home — Mindful, Holistic Living
10 min readMay 19, 2020


With this week being mental health awareness week and especially now with COVID-19, meditating from home can be a powerful tool to deal with social isolation, relationship issues, anxiety related to the virus, and other concerns.

As someone who meditates daily for two hours and put in over 1000 hours during 2019/20, I understand the power of meditation and practicing from home. While learning to meditate can be challenging, I have laid out everything you need to know on how to meditate at home. From A-Zen!


It’s ideal to be in a comfortable, calm space to meditate. Avoid loud or busy part of your home. Our minds can be pretty distracted as it is, so having a quiet spot to meditate will help your practice.

Additionally, while it is tempting, it is best to meditate indoors. Outside, the elements of nature can distract from practicing the technique properly. As you become more established in your meditation technique it is okay to meditate in other places.

“One additional thing to remember about our mental state is to remain alert. Your mental awareness is essential in…



Mind Home — Mindful, Holistic Living

Founding member and chief catalyst @yuticoop. Consultant @shantibhavan. Know thyself.