Does Life Really Begin at 60?

A 7 step challenge to starting your third act now

Maria Reitan
Mind in the Gap


Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

I remember a statistic I read once. If a woman gets through her 50’s without getting cancer, she can live into her 90’s.

I don’t know if that stat holds up. I saw the CDC now puts the average life expectancy for the average American citizen at 77.8 years. And that’s down by one year from 2019. It’s worse for men — the first half of 2020 shows their life expectancy is at 75.1. Also, down. It was 76.3 in 2019. We women can expect to live on average to 80.5. But it’s also down from 81.4 in 2019. Hispanic and Black populations trail white Americans, but they are seeing improvements.

Why the heck are we starting to revert?

The Female Advantage

As a white woman, I don’t like it. Not even a little bit. Is COVID to blame? Is our prevalence of poor eating and little exercise catching up to us? Frankly, I’m counting on the third act being my best yet. We know that women especially are taking better care of themselves as they age. And I’m talking “beyond winkle management.”

For a long time, marketers ignored women over 50 — they weren’t a “key demographic.” I should know. I work in public relations and advertising. But then suddenly people got smart and realized with our aging…



Maria Reitan
Mind in the Gap

Continually Optimizing Human. Passionate traveler. Proud feminist.