Present Tense

Who I am in the here and now

Ann Litts
Mind in the Gap


When you look back at your life can you find the decisions that changed everything? Personally, I have decades of footage and millions of decisions that have brought me to this day. Today. My Now.

I am not who I was when I was a teenager, or a young mother. I am not who I was when I began my career as a graduate nurse; I’m not even who I was at the end of said career.

I have made ‘A Decision’ over and over, different decisions at different times of my life but they all had this in common — they put me on a new path and forever changed who I was.

The fact that making one decision can alter your entire existence can be overwhelming to some. They decide not to decide and remain paralyzed with fear and apprehension. Change is their enemy. No matter how uncomfortable The Universe makes them in the present moment — they will passionately cling to outdated versions of themselves. Of their world.

One decision is all it takes. To marry, to have a child, to separate, to change jobs, to move to a new area, to go to college, to start a new hobby, to push the publish key, to retire, to learn a new language, to build a van. To Love.

We are the result of millions of those decisions. Decisions we made to improve our lives. Decisions we made to grow outside our…

