Submission Guidelines for Mind in the Gap

Join us and submit your story!

Maria Garcia
Mind in the Gap


Artwork provided by the beautiful Carolina Manarte @corallmaga

Welcome to Mind in the Gap!

This is a publication for writers to explore any topic from the lens of others in a different age group from their own. We believe that when we put our minds in the gap that separates us, we can learn and grow more connected with each other.

We are looking for writers to step out of their own perspective and, through the eyes of someone in a different age group, find a fresh outlook! This could mean asking a grandparent, or even a small child, what they think about whatever topic you have chosen. Get creative! There is no limit to how many perspectives you bridge together.

What we are looking for:

The goal is always connection and perspective-taking. You can write about conversations, observations, or even get out in the field and do mini-interviews! The topics you choose to explore are entirely up to you! Here are some ideas:

  • Life lessons
  • Relationships
  • Self-improvement or self-discovery
  • Work and education
  • Productivity
  • Mental health
  • Nature
  • Travel

